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IJHE Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education - 10. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 1
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IJHE Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education - 10. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 1
– Merkverse, Lerngeschichten, Merkhände: Didaktische Praktiken im lateinischen Anfangsunterricht der Frühen Neuzeit [Memory devices, storytelling, and body mnemonics: Teaching Latin in early modern times]
– How schools came to democratize merit, formalize achievement, and naturalize privilege: The case of the United States
– “Balance of mind […] seems more necessary than the promotion of teaching machines”
– Technology in Swiss schools in the 1960s
– Transformative Theory of Bildung: A new chapter in the German tale of Bildung
– The next generation of academics at the parting between academic technicians and social justice warriors
Der akademische Nachwuchs am Scheideweg zwischen akademischen Technikerinnen und sozialen Gerechtigkeitskriegern
– David F. Labaree
Two cheers for school bureaucracy
Vorschau auf 2-2020
“This discussion will consider the potential for a cultural history of education that embraces education in its broadest sense against the largest possible canvas of time and space.“ (Gary McCulloch)
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